George Bataille's Impossible Dualism. Towards a Postmodern Gnosticism

This is quote by Jonathan Weiss, a young filmmaker who adapted into movie J. G. Ballard’s book ‘the atrocity exhibition’, and who laments that nearly all cinema proceeds in a narrative way. But the problem pof cinema is symptomatical . A lot of contemporary theology (hermeneutic theology, liberationist theology, Radical Orthodoxy) is a theology of mediation, in which the access to the universal is mediated by the particular. My question is therefore: can we still imagine a different option, namely the possibility of a singularity which cannot be inscribed within a particular chain of meaning, which disrupts and cannot be mediated? To explore this question, I will focus mainly on Bataille, who in his critique of Hegel, has deeply struggled with this question. In a second a part, I will also deal with the thought of Badiou, who at first sights adopts a similar dualism.
Of course, I know that the attempt to escape Hegel has been a major theme in the whole of postmodern philosophy, but what bothers me is that often they have too easily presented it as a promising ethical and political enterprise. They were too much of a democracy-to-come delegation. With Bataille, we get a different, and maybe more honest postmodernism, stripped from its liberal-political promises, with a little more drama and some sharper edges.
II. Bataille’s Dualism
Bataille’s relation to Hegel is a quite ambiguous one, and it’s hard to distil a systematic critique out of his very unsystematic writing. He also didn’t just want to oppose Hegel, for he knew all too well that in simply opposing him, he would not escape him. As he therefore says himself: “My efforts recommence and undo Hegel’s Phenomenology.”[1] Nevertheless, I will try to identify some of the recurrent themes in his discussion of Hegel, or maybe better the French Hegel. In the thirties Bataille attended the famous lectures of Kojève on Hegel and mainly kept on reading him through the lens of the widely influential Kojève-interpretation. Bataille’s main criticism is however not focused on the thesis of the end of history; nor does he lament Hegel’s stress on the labour of the negative. In some way, he seems to agree with Kojève that we have reached the end of history. Everything what could be achieved is already achieved. All work is done. But what happens with the negative?
“If action is – as Hegel says – negativity, the question arises as to whether the negativity of one who has ‘nothing more to do’ disappears or remains in a state of ‘unemployed negativity’. Personally, I can only decide in one way, being myself precisely this ‘unemployed negativity’.[…] I imagine that my life – or, better yet, its aborting, the open wound that is my life – constitutes all by itself the refutation of Hegel’s closed system.”[2]
The negative is for both Hegel and Bataille the fuel of all dialectics. And Bataille himself does not oppose dialectics itself: the self-consciousness proceeds dialectically. What Bataille reproaches both Kojève and Hegel for, is that they do not take negativity seriously enough. The negative can include everything; everything can be its object. But the negative cannot include itself. Thus, when everything is negated, what remains is an unemployed negativity, as negativity without content. Bataille speaks here about a desire for nothing and about a desire to lose rather than to gain. This gives way to the inner experience, as a movement towards an infinitely withdrawing object. Crucial is that the ‘umemployed negativity’ implies a rupture with the immanence of the Hegelian economy in which the meaning of any negation still lies in the anticipated result.[3] As such, it opens a domain of an otherness that resists integration. This is however not the Levinasian otherness of the other. Its features are rather those of the il y a or maybe more of the mystical night, but then discovered through an analysis of self-consciousness and understanding. To road to divinity here is a highway of despair and the divinity itself that which does not give any satisfaction.
In a very Hegelian mode thus, the proceeding is dialectal, as a process within self-consciousness trying to come to terms with the abyss it has found in its heart. But in contrast with Hegel, the evolution is not one from the unknown to the known.[4] Finally, the human subject discovers that his understanding is always haunted by a blind spot.[5] The recognition of this opens the domain of the unknown. The subject realises that what truly matters is not what can be known, but what resists the Hegelian inclusion.
In L’Expérience intérieure, he imagines Hegel himself having reached this extreme limit.
“He was still young and believed himself to be going mad. I even imagine that he worked out the system in order to escape.[…] His memory brought him back to the perceived abyss, in order to annul it. The system is the annulment.”[6]
Now, this is not to say that Hegel actually excluded all sovereign moments from his account of history. The problem is that Hegel finally inscribed them within a totalizing discourse which strips them from there irreducibility. They again become part of a regime of servile labour. Hegel therefore would have been deeply embarrassed with things as poetry, laughter, and ecstasy which are never means to an end. In itself, they open up the domain of the sacred.
The core duality of Bataille’s thought is thus between the profane and the sacred. In a first moment, this distinction can be read along the lines of the double intentionality of self-consciousness, very much like in the case of Hegel’s unhappy consciousness. For Bataille, the human being is split between the mastery of sovereign life and the slavery of having to work and to be part of an everyday profane system. This double intentionality then implies a distinction between two economies. The logic of the profane is determined by an economy of accumulation. Here, every gift, every risk, all negativity exists for the sake of a higher, and so a finally positive good. The logic of the sacred is one of pure expenditure, of waste: there are no goods to obtain, there is no work to be done and no projects to be realized. Here, we are lost in the dark night of the soul; we enter the unknown and do not longer know what happens to us.
Of course, there are several problems connected to his critique of Hegel, and his own construal of the duality and the inner experience. For he tries at the same time to contest two traditions: first, theological and mystical notions of the sacred sphere as a beyond, and second, the Hegelian location of the “beyond” within the sphere of discourse. That the exteriority of the sacred should not be read as a separate ontological sphere, as a Hinterwelt, should be clear for him:
“It [the inner experience] robs of meaning everything that is an intellectual or moral beyond, substance, God or immutable order, or salvation. It is an apotheosis of that which is perishable, apotheosis of alcohol and flesh as well as of the trances of mysticism. […] It renews the kind of tragic jubilation that man ‘is’ as soon as he stops behaving like a cripple, glorifying necessary work and letting himself be emasculated by the fear of tomorrow.”[7]
So while at one point, we see Bataille approaching the divine in a very similar way as Hegel, namely as a journey of self-consciousness, he nevertheless comes in his criticism of Hegel quite close to the mystical idea of unmediated union with the divine (and an ontological understanding of the externality).
Some commentators (as Mark De Kesel and in his vein Slavoj Zizek) have tried to solve the riddle by assuming Bataille tends toward an antique, closed worldview.[8] They argue that Bataille understands Being from an energetic point of view, according to which a self-wasting energy lives within everything and outlives everything. Nevertheless, as such they all too easily risk to cover up the way Bataille struggles to avoid this and other kinds of monism. For finally Bataille always confronts himself with the tension between on one side the inability to live outside of language and on the other side the necessity to somehow escape the work of language. And precisely this tension makes it impossible for him to develop an overarching ontology. I will come back to this later. Let me first make a little detour.
III. Badiou. On the surreptitious Hegelianism of a Political reading (or the Betrayal of Dualism)
Georges Bataille was not the only one trying to oppose Hegelian monism, in a new plea for a dualist approach. Sartre, also influenced by Kojève, tried to defend a strict dualism between the en-soi and the pour-soi, and in some way several other French postmodern writers tried to counter monism in a quite similar way. I therefore like to focus on a maybe less obvious parallel, namely the work of Alain Badiou, this in order to understood better the actual nature of Bataille dualism.
Badiou himself is often keen to criticise postmodern writers, especially for their linguistic charlatanry and their false modesty, but he might stand closer to some of them as presumed. With his notion of pure event, he also tried to escape Hegelianism and in his privileging of singularity he comes quite close Bataille. He even seems to offer a Sartrean dualism without mediation, for there seems to be no relation between the meaningfulness of an event and the meaninglessness of his cosmos of infinite sets.[9] But is this really the case, and what would be the difference with Bataille?
In the beginning of his book on Paul, Badiou explains his philosophical project and his attention for Paul as an attempt “to refound a theory of the Subject that subordinates its existence to the aleatory dimension of the event as well as to the pure contingency of multiple being.” For him ontology is a matter of mathematics, in which the totality of Being is understood as an infinite set of sets. The only problem with mathematics is that it remains unable to come to terms with Being as such, with Being as Being. In its abstract procedure it only has a relation to Being as far as it is represented. The real ground of Being is the simple fact that it happens. The infinite set of sets is thus not founded on some other eternal ground, but rests on the contingency of happening, as the groundless ground of Being. Badiou therefore speaks about the event, as something which escapes the totality of representations and in which Being as such presents itself. Being as such (as not represented, but as presentation) is thus not a set, as other sets. It’s only present as an empty set, and it only presents itself in detached elements; detached, in the sense that they are no longer a part of one of the existing specific sets. What thus happens in an event, is that the existing order of sets is disturbed; it reveals that at root of every order, there is not a specific constellation of sets grounded in an ultimate ontological principle. Ultimately, every order resides in pure contingency; the contingency as the happening of Being itself. Truth then becomes then a matter of faithfulness to the event. In the event, as a singular happening, all particularistic notions of truth are unmasked, for these are only dependent on settled constellations of sets, masking the contingency of Being itself. The subject of the event is thus the bearer of faith in an empty set, as the only set which can lay a claim to universality.
Let us take the example of Paul. Badiou turns to him, not because he believes Paul’s claim about Jesus’ resurrection, but because he would have established such a universalist truth-procedure. “Paul’s unprecedented gesture consists in subtracting truth from the communitarian grasp, be it that of people, a city, an empire, a territory or a social class. What is true cannot be reduced to any objective aggregate.”[10] Of course, to designate the event Paul uses the word ‘resurrection’. Nevertheless, we should be able to look further than this as a claim with a specific theological content. In using the word ‘resurrection’ Paul undermined the existing discourses of his time. He focused on the site where all the particular discourses lost their representative ground. In contrast with the settled position of the Jews and the Greek, Paul thus came to look Being right in the eye. In experiencing the failure of the existing discourses, he was confronted with the pure contingency of Being itself, as a singular experience which opens up a universalism, for all people actually share in this contingency. Resurrection designates for Badiou thus finally Paul’s affirmation of Being itself, of the life-giving contingency and so of the impossible Real, not understood as the horror of death but as the source of life. As such Badiou formally repeats a certain Lacanian move, but also seems to come close to Bataille’s dualism. We enter the world of truth through grace as a pure and simple encounter, and the world of particularity can never function as a mediation. There is a direct connection between the singular and the universal, and the world of truth as such remains opposed to the world of particularity. Of course, Badiou knows that we live in a world of particularity, but truth can only be established by traversing all particular differences.
The problem with this analysis is however that Badiou’s story does not end here and that he risks to smuggle particularity and mediation surreptitiously back in. The graceful encounter with the Real can be understood as revolution: it shatters the existing configuration of discourses. Till so far, there is not really a problem of mediation. But Badiou also believes that on the basis of this revolution a new politics can be grounded in which the encounter can be solidified. First, he thus seems to presupposes that every true revolution turns out as something positive. But can he do that?: the criterium for a true revolution is absolutely formal: what matters is the connection with Being as such, and the rupture with settled, particular systems of truth. So in some way he is surreptitiously claiming that Being itself is something good: a claim he cannot make on the basis of his formal approach. Bataille is therefore more coherent (and maybe also in a similar vein Nietzsche and Lacan), for not establishing the encounter with truth as the birth of a new political system: the Real is beyond good and evil, and the encounter is just as horrific as beautiful. Second, how can a political system be directly founded on a encounter with the Real, without turning it into a new symbolic order, and so without smuggling particularity back in? Badiou presents his politics as a pure politics and he is keen to argue that this politics has left behind the mediation of a Hegelian economy.[11] But can this convince? As if his maoist program is devoid of very particular preferences, as if a political system at all can be devoid of particular preferences? Purity as a kind of solidified state remains highly doubtful and we might do better, for the sake of good politics, not to think here in terms of purity. (The same might go for love also.)
A similar problem arises in the thought of his revolutionary friend, Slavoj Zizek. In a reaction to Bataille and a certain Bataillian interpretation of Lacan, he uses dialectics to overcome transgression, by distinguishing between particular and absolute transgression, the latter as the transgression of the transgression. This would lift us above the messiness of desire and open up the domain of love. But isn’t he going a little too quick here? Of course, one can try to transgress transgression itself, but does this really make a difference. Take a successful hedonist-transgressive manager who opts at the age 60 for a simple life in the mountains. Or take a Casanova who at the age of 40 suddenly opts for marriage. Is the choice for the simplicity or marriage here not finally just a more subtle move in the very same economy of desire. Now, I do not want to suggest that we are only slaves in an economy of lust, but my question is if the encounter with the Absolute or the Real can be consolidated (by founding a new symbolic order on this encounter), this then as an open-narrative, or as the order of love or of pure politics. Indeed, if one’s final aim consists of out-narrating an existing narrative (let’s take the capitalist narrative) such a consolidation might be crucial. But is this not an all too easy instrumentalization of the interruption? Is this not precisely an attempt to take the sting out of it, by presupposing that the interruption itself can be anchored within a counter-narrative? Anyway, this brings us back to Bataille (and the eventual necessity of an unsystematic approach).
IV. Postmodernity’s gnosticism
Just as Sartre, Badiou and Zizek, Bataille is fascinated by the idea of revolution. But contrary to them, he doesn’t expect that life will be truly different after the event of the revolution. Not unlike someone as Ernst Jünger, who was of major influence here, Bataille considers the essence of revolution and war not as something political, but as the possibility of a confrontation with an excluded extremity. “In the infinite horror of war man has access to the extreme point which terrifies him.”[12] Bataille thus turns to phenomena as war and eroticism because it presents him with the ‘representations’ of the impossible, of the unimaginable.
Of course, he knows that in some way he is very Hegelian here, that by trying to represent the unrepresentable, he succumbs to a project of mediation. But it is precisely this recognition which enables him to question Hegel, and this without again installing a beyond, and an absolute purity, in which one presupposes to be freed from the messiness of mediation. His strategy is thus to fight reason with its own weapons, to rise above project through project. And while inner experience is itself the opposite of action, of project, of knowledge, it is nevertheless led by discursive reason. “Reason alone has the power to undo its work, to hurl down what it has built up.”[13] This also explains for him the necessity of a mystical-poetical approach; and not poetry as a means to express the extreme limit, not to master it in a work of art, but as way of putting language at risk; to destabilize language in order to seduce us into the silence of non-knowledge.[14]
To abstractly propose two distinct principles would be too easy and would not work. As Denis Hollier, a scholar of French Studies, argues: “Dualism is not a dualist system but a will to dualism, a resistance to system and homogeneity.”[15] At the point where the duality holds only the place of a thesis, it has already become monism. “For to be true to its inspiration, dualism must remain imperfect, surprising, extravagant.” This demands that one with one’s whole existence works his way out of language, instead of abstractly assuming this has already happened. Badiou then might all too easily presuppose to be able to overcome the contamination of particularity and Hegelian mediation. As a result of this, his dualism risks to remain an abstract dualism, that finally turns out to be just another monism. His dualism risks to be not impossible enough, and therefore not possible as a dualism. Maybe we could say there is just not enough unhappy consciousness in Badiou. As in Hegel’s account of it, Bataille’s subject remains eternally split, condemned to a life of work, but always called to the sovereignty of spiritual life; unable to escape the particularity of language, and at the same time unable to realise the only thing which truly matters within particularity; eternally restless, as a tragic Sisyphus resisting homogeneity.
To conclude: is this promising as a (philosophical or theological) project? I’m not sure. Morally or politically, it’s not promising at all, I’m afraid. But I have the impression that Bataille’s impossible dualism, his struggle is the expression of a deep existential experience, and that his whole thought is an attempt to do justice to this. It even might be a crucial contemporary outline of a spiritual program, as a refusal to divinise the world and as readiness to face the worst. In this, he seems to be the heir of a longstanding tradition. As Hans Jonas has argued, there is close connection between nihilist existentialism and Gnosticism, for they seem to be rooted in a similar experience.[16] The Gnostic sees himself confronted with the indifference of the universe to human aspirations. “The starry sky now stared man in the face with the fixed glare of alien power and necessity.” “Gone is the cosmos with whose immanent logos my own can feel kinship, gone the order of the whole in which man has his place.” The gnostic still experiences the world as a cosmos, as an order, but the problem now resides precisely in its completeness: it’s understood as a strict system of law, alien to our spiritual call. The cosmos is no longer a home; values are left ontologically unsupported, and the self is thrown back upon itself. And just as in Bataille’ story, it is dread which marks the awakening of the inner self from the slumber or intoxication of the world.
Of course, the Gnostic tradition still operate with a clear metaphysical framework, but also then might the Gnostic God be not so different from Bataille’s empty place after the dead of God. “A transcendence withdrawn from any normative relation to the world is equal to a transcendence which has lost its effective force.”[17] The Gnostic God is a Deus Absconditus, a stranger to the world, not revealed or even indicated by the world. He is the unknowable in terms of any worldly analogies. In the work of Bataille, He only seems to have become more strange; strange till the point of dying, and to point where man takes his place as a stranger to the world, losing his head in a dark night. The problem of widening the gap between heaven and earth, between the sacred and the profane, might therefore not just be the result of developments within modern physical science, or late medieval theology, but it might be rooted in an experience which is at least just as old as Christianity itself. It up to us to decide where to go with it, but we might do well not to dismiss it too easily.
"die findigen Tiere merken es schon, daß wir nicht sehr verläßlich zu Haus sind in der gedeuteten Welt"
Rainer Maria Rilke
[1] G. Bataille, L’Expérience intérieure,
[2] This quote is taken from a lettre from Bataille to Kojève. For the English translation, cf. The Bataille Reader, F. Botting & E. Wilson (ed.), Oxford, 1997, 296.
[3] This is for Bataille at once a criticism of Kojève’s atheism.
[4] Cf. G. Bataille, L’expérience intérieure, Paris, 2004, 119: « La vie va se perdre dans la mort, les fleuves dans la mer et le connu dans l’inconnu. La connaissance et l’accès de l’inconnu. Le non-sens est l’aboutissement de chaque sens possible. »
[5] Cf. G. Bataille, L’expérience intérieure, 129 : « L’action introduit le connu. […] Mais le désir, la poésie, le rire, font incessamment glisser la vie dans le sens contraire, allant du connu à l’inconnu. L’existence à la fin décèle la tache aveugle de l’entendement et s’y absorbe aussitôt tout entière. […] La poésie, le rire, l’extase ne sont pas les moyens d’autre chose. Dans le ‘système’, poésie, rire, extase ne sont rien. Hegel s’en débarasse à la hâte : il ne connaît de fin que savoir. Son immense fatigue se lie à mes yeux à l’horreur de la tache aveugle. »
[6] G.Bataille, The Bataille Reader, p. 74.
[7] G. Bataille, The Practice of Joy Before Death, in G. Bataille, Visions of Excess. Selected Writings 1927-1939, Minneapolis: University of Minesota Press, 1996, p. 237. Cf. also, G. Bataille, The Sacred, The Practice of Joy Before Death, in G. Bataille, Visions of Excess. Selected Writings 1927-1939, Minneapolis: University of Minesota Press, 1996, p. 241: “If one now wants to represent, with an initial clarity, the ‘grail’ obstinately pursued through successive, deceptive and cloudy depths, it is necessary to insist upon the fact that it could never have been a substantial reality; on the contrary, it was an element characterized by the impossibility of its enduring. The term privileged instant is the only one that, with a certain amount of accuracy, accounts for what can be encountered at random in the search.”
[8] Cf. M. De Kesel, A Sovereign’s Anatomy: The Antique in Bataille’s Modernity and its impact on his Political Thought, in … , p. 218; S. Zizek, The Thrilling Romance of Orthodoxy, …
[9] For the critique of dualism, cf. for example Catherine Pickstock, The Univocalist Mode of Production, in C. Davis, J. Milbank & S. Zizek, Theology and the Political. The New Debate, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2005, p. 315.
[10] A. Badiou. Saint Paul. The Foundation of Universalism, p.5.
[11] Just as also Paul does without mediation. Cf. A. Badiou, p. 48.
[12] The Bataille Reader, 75.
[13] The Bataille Reader, 77.
[14] “If poetry expresses it, the extreme limit is distinct from it: to the point of not being poetic, for if poetry has it as an object, it doesn’t reach it. When the extreme limit is there, the means which serve to attain it are no longer there.” The Bataille Reader, p. 80.
[15] Cf. D. Hollier, The Dualist Materialism of Georges Bataille, in Yale French Studies 78 (1990) 124-139, 127. Cf. also the work of Simone Pétrement, who was a scholar of Gnosticism and with whose work Bataille himself was familiar: “If faudrait donc dire qu’il ya contradiction dans l’idée même de dualisme. Ou bien le dualisme est métaphysique, il est vraiment une doctrine des principes, de ce qui compose le tout, et alors il est un dualisme faible, tout près de tomber dans le monisme. Il y a des principes, mais non la dualité. Ou bien il est la croyance à quelque chose de séparé, à une dualité irréductible, à une distance infranchissable; mais alors il n’est pas une doctrine des principes. […] Le dualisme ne peut donc être un enseignement dogmatique, mais il exprime la pensée active, la critique de soi-même.” S. Pétrement, Le dualisme chez Platon, les Gnostiques et les Manichéens, Brionne: Gérard Montfort, 1947, p. 312-313.
[16] Cf. H. Jonas, Gnosticism, Nihilism and Existentialism, in H. Jonas, The Gnostic Religion. The Message of the Alien God & the Beginnings of Christianity, Boston: Beacon Press, 2001, 320-340.
[17] H. Jonas, Gnosticism, Nihilism and Existentialism, p. 328.
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